Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Who wants to create a character that isn’t gorgeous or perfectly charming? Many new authors create characters that look exactly as the author wished to look and act just as the author wished the world saw them. However, nobody is perfect. Everyone has scars whether it be a visible one or invisible. That scar above his eye could be from a fight he proudly won as a boy, a car crash the character barely survived, or a drunken night he can’t remember. That scar on her stomach may be a c-section mark, a scar from a beating she hates to remember, or a scar she got climbing a tree in her youth. He may be perfectly charming to hide his insecurity if he settled to dating one girl or she may be gentle because it’s expected by her family or husband while inside all she wants to do is scream or strangle someone.
My point is that often the more flawed characters can be more interesting than seemingly perfect characters and seemingly perfect characters always have stuff under their surface that is not so perfect but can make them interesting as well. Just remember that a “perfect” character not only has nowhere to build to in a story, they also ring false with readers and should be avoided without some explanations.

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